Video on demand

Financial reporting (September 2024)

AAT Masterclass: Get up to speed with recent developments in UK and Ireland GAAP in just one day.


Course Type

Video on demand


1 day

What you’ll achieve

What you’ll achieve:

  • update your knowledge on accounting standards
  • stay up to date with regulations and industry best practices
  • ensure accurate compliant financial reporting.

About this course

With the Financial Reporting Council’s periodic review approaching, there is no better time than now to ensure you’re up to date on accounting standards. In this comprehensive masterclass you’ll cover the changes that will affect all businesses that prepare financial statements under UK and Ireland GAAP. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge you need to effectively advise your clients and company directors.

Who it's for

This is the ideal masterclass for all finance professionals working in practice, producing financial statements for clients or working within a finance team with the responsibility for internal reporting.

Meet the Speaker(s)

Steve Collings

Steve Collings

Steve Collings

Steve Collings, FMAAT FCCA is the audit and technical partner at Leavitt Walmsley Associates Ltd where Steve trained and qualified. Steve became a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians in 2001 and qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant in 2005. In 2010 Steve became a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

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Video on demand

1 day

Financial statements


This masterclass will cover:

  • on-balance sheet lease accounting and the transition
  • the new rules on revenue recognition
  • small company disclosure requirements
  • other changes arising from the periodic review
  • changes to company size thresholds
  • accounting for insurance proceeds
  • dilapidation provisions
  • going concerns – accounting issues.

How to access

Once purchased you'll be able to access the AAT Learning Portal where you'll have 12 months from the date to access the learning materials. AAT Learning Portal allows you to view all the courses you've purchased in one place, monitor your latest training activity and create goals to help you achieve your training aims.

Meet the sponsor: Xero

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Financial reporting (September 2024)
Video on demand

Financial reporting (September 2024)

1 day
