
AAT Business Finance Basics for non-finance professionals

This bundle of six online courses introduces non-finance professionals to the role of the finance function and the key processes that are followed in order to monitor performance and financial health.


Course Type



3 - 5 hours

What you’ll achieve

Upon completion of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • demonstrate the financial dimensions of business activities
  • define key financial terminology relating to sources of capital and uses of funds
  • understand your role as a non-finance professional in the preparation of financial statements
  • describe the working capital cycle and demonstrate its implications for business
  • define each component of a statement of financial position
  • demonstrate how non-current assets are treated in the statement of financial position
  • understand your role as a non-finance professional in the preparation of financial statements
  • understand each component of an income statement and how it relates to business behaviour
  • justify the treatment of expenses in the income statement, including adjustments for accruals and prepayments
  • assess the impact of bad and doubtful debts on the financial statements
  • understand key accounting concepts
  • have a solid overview of how your finance team operates
  • calculate key ratios relating to profitability – gross profit margin, operating profit margin.
  • calculate key ratios relating to return
  • apply analytical skills to any set of standard financial statements to assess a business’s liquidity, efficiency and financial risk
  • recognise and manage factors that affect a business’s liquidity, efficiency and financial risk ratios in assessing a business’s performance.

About this course

There’s only so far you can go in your career before you have to deal with business finances in some way. AAT Business Finance Basics for non-finance professionals is designed to give you a rounded overview of the finance function, looking at the steps organisations follow to monitor and manage their financial health. We look at the key financial statements and accounting concepts that are used in business so you can bring this thinking into your role and work more effectively in the business environment.

Who it's for

This course is perfect if you're:

  • a mid-level or senior manager looking to improve your knowledge of the finance function
  • a non-finance professional looking to upskill by bolstering your basic finance knowledge
  • running your own business and want a better understanding of how to monitor and manage your financial health
  • an organisation looking to roll out on-demand training to non-finance staff.



3 - 5 hours

Budgeting, Bookkeeping, Cash flow, Financial statements



This course covers:

  • Introduction to business finance
    • Financial terminology
    • Sourcing money and spending it
    • Categorising expenditure
    • Working capital
  • Understanding the statement of financial position
    • The statement of financial position
    • Non-current assets
    • Current assets
    • Current liabilities
    • Net current assets
    • Calculating depreciation
  • Understanding the income statement
    • The income statement
    • Accruals
    • Prepayments
    • Bad and doubtful debts
  • Understanding accounting concepts
    • The accruals basis
    • Going concern
    • Prudence, consistency, and comparability
    • Dual effect
    • Balancing the accounts
    • Practicing dual effect
  • Using financial statements to understand profitability
    • Calculating profit margins
    • Calculating profitability return ratios
    • Analysing ratios
  • Using financial statements to understand liquidity, efficiency and financial risk
    • Liquidity overview
    • Calculating liquidity ratios
    • Efficiency overview
    • Calculating efficiency ratios
    • Financial risk overview
    • Calculating financial risk ratios

How to access

AAT Business Finance Basics for non-finance professionals is a 3 hour session consisting of six modules including video tutorials and interactive learning to test your knowledge as you learn.

Once purchased you will be able to access the AAT Learning Portal where you'll have 12 months access from the date of accessing the learning materials. AAT Learning Portal allows you to view all the courses you’ve purchased in one place, monitor your latest training activity and create goals to help you achieve your training aims.

AAT Business Finance Basics for non-finance professionals

AAT Business Finance Basics for non-finance professionals

3 - 5 hours
