
AI ethics and governance for accountants

Covers ethical and governance issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in accounting and finance.


Course Type



1 - 3 hours

What you’ll achieve

You will learn about:

  • practical strategies and tools to implement responsible and trustworthy AI, including oversight, risk assessments, and correcting for undesirable behaviou
  • frameworks recommended by groups such as the AICPA, FASB, SEC and others to guide the development and use of AI
  • considering how to navigate disruption and build public trust through values-driven innovation.

About this course

This course covers ethical and governance issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in accounting and finance. This course will discuss principles such as accountability, transparency, privacy and avoiding harm or unfairness. 

Who it's for

Suitable for anyone in an accounting role, looking to upskill and improve efficiency.



1 - 3 hours

Artificial intelligence


This course covers:

  • automating financial report creation
  • AI for continuous monitoring and auditing
  • AI for standards and regulatory compliance
  • managing AI solutions and team partnerships
  • the future of AI and the accounting profession

How to access

Once purchased you'll be able to access the AAT Learning Portal where you'll have 12 months from the date to access the learning materials. AAT Learning Portal allows you to view all the courses you've purchased in one place, monitor your latest training activity and create goals to help you achieve your training aims.

AI ethics and governance for accountants

AI ethics and governance for accountants

1 - 3 hours
